Senior Chiropractor $35 Senior Physiotherapist $35 Senior Acupuncturist $15 Principal Chiropractor $45 Principal Acupuncturist $20 Podiatry $30 Massage N/A Not satisfied with Quick Chiropractic Clicks? We provide 40-60mins Quality Chiropractic session.
Principal Practitioners (Exp more than 10 years) – Antonio Lee, Jennifer Kim, Grace Kim, Steve Chon
Senior Practitioners (Exp less than 10 years) – Ashley Kim, Lois Soh, Bono Kim, Johnson Su, Hwa Eun Lee, Willis Hong, Daniella Kim, Peter Yoon, Tina Wang, Jeremy Qiu.
最价值- Casual Visit (25-27%OFF)
Premium Senior Chiro Package $600 Wellness Senior Chiro Package $350 Premium Principal Chiro Package $750 Wellness Principal Chiro Package $400 Principal Acu Package $750 Senior Physiotherapy $600 Senior Acupuncture $600 Podiatry $600 Sports &Therapeutic Massage $600 Laser Therapy $300 Shockwave Therapy $300 Traction Therapy $225 This Concession Card deal is perfect for you if you have a condition which requires long-term treatment or in need of regular treatment due to a chronic condition. Only Casual visit concession deal can be shared with your direct family members and will last for 6 months from the purchase date. Please ask for more details to our friendly team.
Senior Chiro Premium Care (40-60mins) $80 Senior Chiro Wellness Care (30mins) $45 Senior Acupuncture $80 Physiotherapy $80 Podiatry $90 Sports & Therapeutic Massage(60mins) $80 Laser (10-20mins) $40 Shockwave (10-20mins) $40 Traction Treatment (25mins) $30 Principal Premium Chiro Care (40-60mins) $100 Principal Wellness Chiro Care (30mins) $55 Principal Acupuncture Care $100 Not satisfied with Quick Chiropractic Clicks? We provide 40-60mins Quality Chiropractic session.